Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Im Now A Freshman!

I truely miss middle school now since im in highschool . But i guess highschool isnt that bad after all then i thought it would be . Over the summer i grew up & i changed alot after my grandpa died . I turned 1 year older on october 18th so now that makes me 15 and im looking foward to get my permit to drive soon im so excited i can hardly wait! Anyway i had a great summer i went to church camp, fair and went swimming at the lake and im sorry im posting this so late but i have been busy lately with homework and everything else .Good luck in this school year i hope everyone has a safe school year and a happy positive one too !

Thursday, July 16, 2009

the things i like in summer school where ???????????????????????????????

making the bee lipbom , getting into a fight with Dante with the Dogeballs at the church yesterday that was fun and funny at the same time . Cooking different kinds of food i like the hawiian bread and the dip the most it was really GOOD!!!!!! I like Dante's Directing that was cool and funny . I liked it when me and Kaitlyn Fought over the jonasbrothers she has Nick and i have Joe and Kevin so it's all good now. i liked playing that triva game that was fun. I liked Summer School beacuse i learned more about beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
im going to miss mrs.Rich laughing at almost everything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i loved summer school it was really fun!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


is funny he has a great sense of humor !!!! he is a nice person too !!!! we are going to miss him so much .


Ponca City is my Favorite town beacuse my dad and my step mom live there. Basicly No one really cares what you do. The police are really nice as long as your not doing drugs or something of that kind. I like the teachers their im well respected by them well most of them anyway. My Best freinds are Amber,Faith, Kendall,Sarah i know how to have a great time when im there trust me i do . My freinds and i usually go to the Trout Elementary school Playground and take funny pictures there . I go to the Catholic Church when im in Ponca with my boyfreind Jeremy . I love there library it's so BIG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they have to middle schools West is for 6 and 7th grades . East is for 8th grade only . They have two Swimming pools Wentz and Ambucks . they have 3 sonic's . 2 movie theathers and alot of mexican places to eat . this is my favorite town !!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the funnest movie i ever saw

It would be mean girls beacuse all the girls in the movie are drama queens . im a big drama queen alot of the time . i love this movie beacuse they blamed mrs.norberry for drugs, the coach got into trouble for having a relationship with a 16 year old girl . Most of this movie was back stabbing people in the back but i love this movie it's funny to me. it's rated pg13 due to language and some other stuff i cant mention . But i took this quiz on facebook and my match was to Regina George in the movie she is the one who wrote bad things about her self in a burn book and blamed it on her freinds . she threw flyers full of lies and everybody was in an arguement . she got hit by a bus at the end that was funny to me. that's one reason why i like this movie it's filled full of DRAMA!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Things That Make Me Smile

my boyfreind
Kevin and Joe Jonas
my freind Ian Whitley
My Freind Ryan Jantz
Thanh Orr's Helen Keller Jokes
Playing my guitar
Seeing Mrs.Rich and Mrs.Cochran during summerschool
My Youthgroup
Pastor Blake Orr
my Grandma " s Dog Pookie
Doing Fireworks with my Family every year
Singing in the Church Choir
Telling others about christ in our Community
Helping other people
Aubrey,Caleb Jantz are Ryan Jantz"s kids and they are so funny and they love me to death .
seeing my family and spending time with them
I hate bloging !
fighting with my step mom
Kelly Clarkson

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Today's plans

Blah ... im going on facebook today ! and drinking a cherry coke yummy !

What im going to change ?

Im going to change my style and my shoes . Im going to still be a drama queen next year and i dont care what you say . Im changing into someone i want to be in high school it is my choice you know ! im going to die my hair blonde . Im going to get better freinds nicer i mean . I will probably be the same but iwill just be changing my style and my hair . since im mature then i will still be mature in highschool unlike some people !!! 9th grade is going to be so fun everyone is going to like me for being myslef yes i know i can be mean sometimes but hey that's just me i cant help it . i still like being the way i am beacuse it's who i am .

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Carma Story based on a true story

Have you ever had someone make you mad to the extreme point where you wanted something bad to happen to them? Well i have and it came back to me and then i got really frustrated and ran in my room and slammed the door shut. Ok , the problem was some girl called me a lesbian on myspace and i didnt like it . So i thought it would be funny if i threw a water ballon at her. So i did and she threw one back at me. I didnt like it so i pushed her in to her backyard swimming pool. The next day i was minding my own buissness in my own yard . There was this tall girl i didnt know her until she said i will give you 20 seconds to say your sorry !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like no !! She hurt me why should i apologize beacuse im Her Mom Lacy what i said ? So, i went back inside and went in my room . So her mom Drove off and went home .Meanwhile i was in my room playing on the computer and hanging out with my freind Amber . Until my mom knocked on the door and asked me what was going on? I began to say....... I dont ...... Know..... But then my mom was like where you 2 fighting again??? i said yes but she made me mad she deserves it mom. Ok i guess i didnt tell you about good and bad carma yet i said no you havent . ok when you do something bad to someone you get it back but when you do something nice for someone you get it back do you understand? yes i said i guess i will go apologize that's my girl said my mom.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My 4th of July weekend

I went to my grandma's house . I shot off a fountain and it hit one of my cousin's freinds Nick in the face . my cousin shot off a rocket in his hand and exploded in his face i was standing near him and i was scared. I got to see my little cousins Croix and Sosie and they where doing fireworks to but we had to help them though. We shot my grandpa's ashes in a firework and i was really sad when they did that and i was about to cry but i didnt want to upset my grandma she was standing right by me. I felt kinda sad, mad , angry over the weekend . My grandpa used to call me mud beacuse i didnt like them calling me ana and only my grandparents can call me that other wise i will get upset about it beacuse it was there thing not yours im sorry if i still seem upset but i still cant seem to say my finale goodbye to my grandpa he and my grandma make me feel better when im down and they make me laugh when i cry . im sorry im talking way too much about my grandparents but i honestly enjoy being with them and spending time with them. I wrote this poem Fill your heart with joy not sorrow beacuse you may not live tomorrow i wrote this for my grandpa im still finishing it though. My step mom made eggrolls and they where really good and me and my stepmom got along the whole time . This year my step mom did a sparkler and i was really surprised usually she was scared of fireworks but not this year. my dad started smoking and im not too happy about it though. i just enjoyed this weekend with family and it meant alot to me and forever.

Thursday, July 2, 2009



Add ImageI love the jonas Brothers There Awsome and Hot . Joe,Kevin and Nick are so cool i love their song SoS , HoldOn, Burninup,JustFreinds. they inspired me to love music and i learned how to play the guitar beacuse of them. IM A BIG FAN OF THE JONAS Brothers!!!!!!!!!

Rating my Summer

My summer is a 1 - 2 being the worst summer . i hate people being down right rude 2 me it hurts my feelings (it's not a freakin Joke!!!!). i dont mean to be rude but i really hate that it makes me angry and upset with people. i hate summer it's so hot outside alot . this summer I lost my grandpa and know you dont know how i really feel about it and i dont even want to be here at summer school. My church hates me beacuse My boyfreind Jeremy is catholic and i got baptisted in his church and mine . im having a bad summer and alot of problems right now. Why cant you guys leave me alone when im mad that's all I ask for now.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Today's Plans

going on myspace:).

July 1

I admire David Archuleta beacuse he is cute and I love his song Crush . Another one I would admire is Zac Efron beacuse he has the same birthday as me and I like his music and he is a great actor. Kevin Jonas is another one I admire beacuse he is so cute and hot I love the jonas brothers music beacuse they inspired me to love music . Um another one is 50 cent Ilove his music beacuse it's rap and i grow up with rap and hiphop when I was a kid so that's one reason why I love all different kinds of music beacuse I grew up with it.
Me and my best freind desiree Abernathy
Me at the Spring Retreat 2009

Spencer,RyanJantz,TreyValyer, and me in guy clothing haha

My hot autograph of NickJonas!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Today's Plans

Im going on myspace and facebook . im going to upload new pix and im going to eat hashbrown's for dinner im to lazy to heat up the oven hahaha :) and im going to drink a nice cold cherry coke !

My great weekend

Iwent to church on sunday and ate pizza sunday night . Saturday i went to the library and ate pizza and watched soccer on tv with a few freinds. Friday i had case mangement with lindsay we played the new crainum game that just came out it was really fun . Thursday i had attended care with tabitha it was fun i went to the island park playground and goofed around. Saturday night i watched the Family Sins movie and it was so scary i watch it with some freinds that was the most disturbing movie ever i was so scared i had a nightmare that night after i watched it so i couldnt sleep . I went on myspace and talked to my freinds and cousins and that was really fun.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Grandpa Passed Away

Im verry upset , im verry angry, im verry mad and i just want to be left alone ok is that too much to ask for. No one can replace my grandpa and i wish i could have him back but i cant . i love the time i spent time with them it means alot in the past but not now since he is gone! im being really unfair to people im taking it out on them i just miss my grandpa so ...... MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt want to go to school this morning beacuse of my grandpa passing away on JUNE,23 ! i feel so mad Im sorry if im in a bad mood i cant help it ... im not going to say anymore it's breaking my heart more than you know! but one great thing he loved my grandma's chocolate cake i love it to my whole family loves chocolate but i love it every so often though!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today's Plans

im going on facebook and myspace . i love the song halo by beyonce ! i love my boyfreind so much !!! he is my baby!!! he is so important to me in my life i dont know what i would do with out him in my life:).

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Weekend

I got to go see my grandpa in the arkcity hospital . Im kinda mad right now at the world the hospic care didnt care about my grandpa gave im too much medicine and he had to go back to the hospitial. I got to see my dad i wasnt happy about seeing my stepmom she is like you talk too much i JUST hate that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!