Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My 4th of July weekend

I went to my grandma's house . I shot off a fountain and it hit one of my cousin's freinds Nick in the face . my cousin shot off a rocket in his hand and exploded in his face i was standing near him and i was scared. I got to see my little cousins Croix and Sosie and they where doing fireworks to but we had to help them though. We shot my grandpa's ashes in a firework and i was really sad when they did that and i was about to cry but i didnt want to upset my grandma she was standing right by me. I felt kinda sad, mad , angry over the weekend . My grandpa used to call me mud beacuse i didnt like them calling me ana and only my grandparents can call me that other wise i will get upset about it beacuse it was there thing not yours im sorry if i still seem upset but i still cant seem to say my finale goodbye to my grandpa he and my grandma make me feel better when im down and they make me laugh when i cry . im sorry im talking way too much about my grandparents but i honestly enjoy being with them and spending time with them. I wrote this poem Fill your heart with joy not sorrow beacuse you may not live tomorrow i wrote this for my grandpa im still finishing it though. My step mom made eggrolls and they where really good and me and my stepmom got along the whole time . This year my step mom did a sparkler and i was really surprised usually she was scared of fireworks but not this year. my dad started smoking and im not too happy about it though. i just enjoyed this weekend with family and it meant alot to me and forever.


  1. This is so well written, Tasia; good job! All of my grandparents are deceased. I was only close to one and she and I were bonded tightly. She was a wise, real together person, and we always had nice, meaningful conversations. She helped me financially through college and with a down payment on the first house I bought. I'll always be grateful for that. You have to love people while you can because as you pointed out, they might be gone tomorrow.

  2. i know i still feel terrible and i just feel upset alot beacuse my grandpa isnt here anymore to call me mud and i miss that hearing it from him and not my grandma.
